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What to Expect

At Camp Ground, there should be a few things to expect when you come visit with us.
  • The name of Jesus is lifted high.
  • A loving family atmosphere.
  • Casual Dressware.

If you have small children, we will have the nursery available and also children’s church for grades 1st-5th.

Overall, just expect to come and worship our Savior, and grow in community with others!!


Our worship style is blended. You will hear both hymns and contemporary music. You will also find when it comes to music that lyrics are very important to us. We want to mean what we sing so we care that the words we sing follow Scripture.

Service Times


Sunday School 9:15 AM
Worship Services 10:30 AM and 5 PM
 “One Degree” (youth) 5:00 PM
Prayer Meeting & One Degree Youth 6:45PM
TEAM Kid (children grades K-6 summer months) 7 PM
Children’s Choir 6:15 PM
AWANA (children grades K-6 Sept. – May) 6:45 PM